
Date 主題 講者sort descending
The History of the People of Israel Fr Antonio Lemos LC
2018.08.09 - 5:00 pm (Thu) The History of the People of Israel Fr Antonio Lemos LC
2016.01.05 - 7:00 pm (Tue) Praying the Our Father FR, Joseph THAM, LC
2017.06.25 - 3:00 pm (Sun) THE SHROUD OF TURIN IN THE LIGHT OF SCIENCE AND SCRIPTURE Fr. Andrew Dalton, LC
2019.08.29 - 5:30 pm (Thu) Faith in the 21st century - Can a scientist be a believer? Fr. Adrian Canal
2017.10.12 - 7:00 pm (Thu) Who is This King of Glory who wears an inglorious crown? Fr. Andrew Dalton L.C.
2017.10.12 - 7:00 pm (Thu) Who is This King of Glory who wears an inglorious crown? Fr. Andrew Dalton L.C.
2017.06.25 - 3:00 pm (Sun) THE SHROUD OF TURIN IN THE LIGHT OF SCIENCE AND SCRIPTURE Fr. Andrew Dalton, LC
2016.08.29 - 2:30 pm (Mon) The Holy Shroud of Turin Fr. Andrew DALTON, LC
2022.08.09 - 7:30 pm (Tue) Mariology: A Brief Look into the Theological Significance of the Mother of Jesus Fr. Daniel Kim
2022.04.19 - 7:30 pm (Tue), 2022.04.26 - 7:30 pm (Tue) Post Resurrection Appearances of Jesus Fr. Daniel Kim
2024.05.21 - 7:30 pm (Tue) The Evangelist Mark Fr. Daniel Kim
2023.04.25 - 7:30 pm (Tue) Encountering the Resurrected Christ and His Five Holy Wounds Fr. Daniel Kim
The blessed virgin Mary and the Old Testament Fr. Devin Roza
2016.03.28 - 3:00 pm (Mon) The Seven Churches and the Heavenly Liturgy (Revelation chapters 1-5) Fr. Devin Roza, LC
2021.08.18 - 7:00 pm (Wed) The Bread of Life Fr. Francisco de las Heras
2021.08.04 - 7:00 pm (Wed) Saint Dominic - Man of the Gospel Fr. Francisco de las Heras
2024.11.18 - 7:30 pm (Mon) Perfect love casts out all fears: Fears in our lives (1 John 4:18) Fr. Joseph Tham, LC
2020.10.05 - 7:30 pm (Mon) Ecstatic & Mystic Introduction to St. Theresa of Avila's INTERIOR CASTLE Fr. Joseph Tham, LC
2020.04.24 - 7:00 pm (Fri) Seven Words to The Cross Fr. Joseph Tham, LC
2020.05.08 - 7:00 pm (Fri) Heaven, Earth, and Man in Harmony: Chinese Art Appreciation and Spirituality Fr. Joseph Tham, LC
2022.05.23 - 8:00 pm (Mon) What is Faith for Caravaggio's Doubting Thomas? Fr. Joseph Tham, LC
2020.06.04 - 8:30 pm (Thu) How to attain peace in times of crisis Fr. Joseph Tham, LC
2021.05.06 - 5:15 pm (Thu) Spiritual Reflection on Emmaus by Caravaggio Fr. Joseph Tham, LC
2017.04.11 - 7:00 pm (Tue) The Seven Last Words on the Cross Fr. Joseph Tham, LC
2020.12.14 - 7:30 pm (Mon) St. John the Cross Fr. Joseph Tham, LC
2017.04.11 - 7:00 pm (Tue) The Seven Last Words on the Cross Fr. Joseph Tham, LC
2021.04.26 - 8:00 pm (Mon) Spiritual Reflection on Emmaus by Caravaggio Fr. Joseph Tham, LC
2016.09.06 - 7:00 pm (Tue) Mysteries of Hail Mary Fr. Joseph THAM, LC
2024.08.05 - 10:00 am (Mon) New Testament Fr. Lionel


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